National Museem Arts Asiatiques - Guimet

Jean-François Jarrige; Pierre Baptiste; Héléne Bayou; Nathalie Bazin; Pierre Cambon; Jérôme Ghesquière; Jacques Giés; Macouin; Francis; Amina Okada; Marie-Catherine Rey; Thierry and Zéphir

Opening in Paris in 1889, the Musée Guimet was greatly expanded in 1945 when it received the collections of Khmer art and architecture from the Musée du Trocadéro, and those of Far Eastern decorative arts from the Louvre.

Since then these original holdings, further augmented by a constant influx of new acquisitions, have heightened our appreciation of artefacts discovered in the much wide context of Asia as a whole. No longer are they exotic objects or curios, but rather true works of art belonging to the mainstream of world art history.

Published by Réunion des Museés Nationaux, France, 2001 | Paperback

  • Language: English
  • Paperback
  • ISBN 2711838978
  • 22.4 x 28.2 cm
  • 128 pages
  • Book Condition: Signs of wear, with markings on the cover and back cover. Minimal edgeworn. No markings on the interior.
  • 25,00 € (+ shipping)
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Portugal 7,00 €
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Rest of the World 40,00 €

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